
Wishes for you…

The incredibly gorgeous (seriously, go look at the pic she posted to prove she got her new camera) Mia tagged me!

Here are the Rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog.

Five facts about me:

1) I spent many years hating my real name. It’s not a bad name, it’s just too common and boring. So when I was creating this anonymous blog, I put serious thought into my name and came up Maeander, which I thought was pretty and also meaningful. I have no fewer than 5 online identities. Some are linked, others are totally separate.

2) As a teenager, I imagined my future, but not with a husband. I wanted four. Three girls and a boy, who I wanted to name Jamie, which is a name I no longer like for a boy. The girls would have names like Genevieve, Miranda and Ariana. I have a name thing, in case you didn’t notice (fyi, now that I have a husband, I want him more than I want … just in case you wondered).

3) I am really bad about taking off nail polish. It gets chipped and nasty and then I finally hit the wall of embarrassment and take it off.

4) I used to put on Madonna’s True Blue album (and yes, I mean vinyl when I say album) and dance around my basement. I wanted so badly to take ballet and be graceful, and it pissed me off that no one in my life had enough of an interest in me to realize maybe that would’ve been a good way for me to LOSE WEIGHT (and I wasn’t really fat at the time, but a smidge pudgy - like 15 pounds overweight, if that).

5) I am absolutely awful at those “CAPTCHA” thingies on blogs and MySpace. You know, the ones where you have to put in a string of letters and/or numbers in order to make a change or post a comment. I almost never get them right on the first try. It’s bizarre.

I have to tag 5 people now, except I want to tag 7 and so I will. :P